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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Monday, October 20, 2009 at the multi-purpose building in Sandy Hook, CT 06482.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Catherine Adsitt, Mitchell Bolinsky, Ted Kreinik, Martha LaMarche, Robert Morey, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  David Howard

Also Present:  Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Planning and Community Development

1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Minutes of September 15, 2009 meeting.  The minutes were approved unanimously as amended.

3.      Public Participation – John Kimball, President of Kimball Group in Monroe, CT and David Bjorklund, with Spath-Bjorklund Associates (SBA) in Monroe CT, were present to discuss alternative ways of attracting businesses to Newtown and answered questions by the commission.  Mr. Kimball found it most helpful and competitive to build an infrastructure first and to get the permit process completed.  He said that Newtown and Monroe are both attractive and safe areas for potential businesses.  Mr. Kimball said it is best to plan the development with as little environmental impact as possible.  Marketing alternatives were also discussed and whether the Town should begin the permit process for the tech park to attract developers.  Mr. Kimball will meet with Ms. Stocker at a later date.

4.      Reports

a.      Director, Economics and Community Development – Ms. Stocker said a final draft report for the curb cut plans will be discussed at a meeting on October 25th at 10:00 a.m. at 31 Pecks Lane.  She also discussed ads that will be running in the New England Real Estate Journal.  Ms. Stocker discussed a call she received as a result of the Fall Preview.  Reprints from the Fall Preview will be handed out at the Salute to Business.  Destination Newtown will be held at the Newtown Congregational Church on November 10th.  The VIP reception is from 2:45 to 4:00 pm and the Business Expo is from 4:00 to 7:00 pm.

b.      Subcommittee Reports

i.      Business Advocacy/Retention (Adsitt, Sharpe, Morey, Howard) - Mr. Sharpe reported that the Chamber of Commerce’ request for the temporary signage policy was turned down by Planning and Zoning but that a new regulation has been proposed that would allow each business to have a special event sign four times a year, one week at a time.  This will be a permanent change to the zoning regulations.  

ii.     Maximization of Potential Sites for Economic Development (LaMarche, Bolinsky, Sharpe, Kreinik) – Mr. Rau discussed the number of properties in the town that are good potential sites for the EDC should concentrate marketing efforts on.  The commission discussed whether to preplan some of these sites or use a developer. They also discussed property in Newtown that could be possible sites.

iii.    Facilitate the Maintenance/Development of Agricultural Businesses (Thompson, Morey, Howard) - Mr. Thompson discussed the farmers’ market location and the types of agricultural businesses that could be attracted to Newtown, including artisan foods.  

iv.     Alternative Energy - Tech Park (Kreinik, Bolinsky, Thompson) – Mr. Kreinik postponed Noel Lafayette’s visit until November or later.  

v.      Evaluate/Upgrade as needed EDC Marketing Aids (LaMarche, Adsitt, Thompson) - Ms. LaMarche said the website is being fine tuned and that they are staying in budget.  They have a volunteer photographer.  

5.      Old Business

a.      Tech Park – The commission discussed the possibility of preparing an infrastructure at the tech park and it was noted that there is still grant money available.  They talked about getting approval for Inland Wetlands and Army Corp of Engineers.  

        Ms. LaMarche motioned that the commission move forward to have a plan drawn up for the Army Corp. of Engineers.  There was a discussion, then a new motion.  Motion to move forward with the permit process that was approved by the commission and the Board of Selectmen, which is the condominium complex.  Motion was called to question.  Motion approved unanimously.  

b.      Salute to Business - The Salute to Business is scheduled for October 22, 2009 at 5:00 pm.

6.      New Business

a.      2011 Budget – Item tabled.

b.      Committee Terms – Mr. Rau said that his chairmanship is up at the end of the year and asked the commission to consider nominees for the chair position.  

c.      Other Items – Mr. Kreinik said that Newtown should consider a public transportation service and said that the cell phone service in Newtown should be improved.

7.      Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 pm.  

Respectfully submitted by

Tammy Hazen, Clerk